Multinomial regression


  • link to regressionLogistic, regressionOrdinal

Install required packages

mlogit, nnet, VGAM, DescTools

Multinomial regression

Simulate data

Using vglm() from package VGAM

Estimator based on likelihood-inference

Odds ratios

(Intercept):1 (Intercept):2 (Intercept):3          X1:1          X1:2 
 1.183772e-10  4.131415e-14  4.061779e-16  1.164906e+00  1.234359e+00 
         X1:3          X2:1          X2:2          X2:3 
 1.261100e+00  8.907694e-01  8.206984e-01  8.462248e-01 

Using multinom() from package nnet

Estimator based on neural networks -> slightly different results than vglm(), mlogit()

Using mlogit() from package mlogit

Uses person-choice (long) format, so data frame has to be reshaped with

Predicted category membership

Predicted category probabilities

           1         2         3         4
1 0.19037931 0.2966176 0.2834440 0.2295591
2 0.33362746 0.3022576 0.1751682 0.1889468
3 0.02114807 0.2064772 0.3437437 0.4286311
4 0.13548641 0.2961053 0.2880800 0.2803283
5 0.06174357 0.2512944 0.3720063 0.3149558
6 0.02202100 0.2108382 0.3276685 0.4394723

Predicted categories

[1] "2" "1" "4" "2" "3" "4"

Assess model fit

Classification table

Ycateg   1   2   3   4 Sum
   1    17   2   6   0  25
   2     6   8   7   4  25
   3     3   8   8   6  25
   4     4   6   5  10  25
   Sum  30  24  26  20 100

Correct classification rate

[1] 0.43

Deviance, log-likelihood and AIC

[1] 240.6621
[1] -120.3311
[1] 258.6621

McFadden, Cox & Snell and Nagelkerke pseudo \(R^{2}\)

  McFadden   CoxSnell Nagelkerke 
 0.1319948  0.3064745  0.3269061 

Apply regression model to new data

Simulate new data

predict.mlogit() requires a new data frame in long format. Therefore also add new (irrelevant) categorical responses to enable reshaping the data frame with

Predicted class probabilities

            1         2         3         4
1 0.007734798 0.1456354 0.4577509 0.3888789
2 0.420616161 0.2888815 0.1281280 0.1623743
3 0.177018139 0.3050724 0.2601631 0.2577464

Coefficient tests and overall model test

Individual coefficient tests

Estimated standard deviations, z-values, and p-values for parameters based on normality on assumption that z-values are asymptotically \(N(0, 1)\) distributed.

                 Estimate  Std. Error   z value     Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept):1 -22.8571447 10.27166961 -2.225261 0.0260637291
(Intercept):2 -30.8175714 10.93523124 -2.818191 0.0048295056
(Intercept):3 -35.4397403 11.06665231 -3.202390 0.0013629219
X1:1            0.1526408  0.06112749  2.497090 0.0125217285
X1:2            0.2105521  0.06512916  3.232839 0.0012256681
X1:3            0.2319840  0.06565479  3.533391 0.0004102658
X2:1           -0.1156697  0.04695990 -2.463160 0.0137718475
X2:2           -0.1975995  0.05414592 -3.649389 0.0002628643
X2:3           -0.1669702  0.05258129 -3.175468 0.0014959522

Profile likelihood based confidence intervals

                     2.5 %       97.5 %
(Intercept):1 -44.64504851  -3.88007164
(Intercept):2 -53.97866708 -10.71542914
(Intercept):3 -58.91839639 -15.18638093
X1:1            0.04085011   0.28363601
X1:2            0.09215660   0.34985077
X1:3            0.11301172   0.37253474
X2:1           -0.21617246  -0.03045939
X2:2           -0.31247895  -0.09906949
X2:3           -0.27852083  -0.07104205

Tests for other models.

Model comparisons - likelihood-ratio tests

Likelihood-ratio-test for predictor X2

Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: Ycateg ~ X1 + X2
Model 2: Ycateg ~ X1
  Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance  Pr(>Chi)    
1       291     240.66                          
2       294     261.00 -3  -20.332 0.0001448 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Likelihood-ratio-test for the full model against the 0-model without predictors (just intercept)

Analysis of Deviance Table

Model 1: Ycateg ~ X1 + X2
Model 2: Ycateg ~ 1
  Resid. Df Resid. Dev Df Deviance Pr(>Chi)    
1       291     240.66                         
2       297     277.26 -6  -36.597 2.11e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

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