The cumulative distribution function \(F(x)\) of the Hoyt distribution is given in closed form, but the quantile function \(Q(p)\) is not. \(Q(p)\) = \(F^{-1}(p)\) -> given probability \(p\), find \(x\) such that \(F(x) = p\).
## distribution function
pHoyt <- function(q, qpar, omega) {
alphaQ <- (sqrt((1 - qpar^4))/(2*qpar)) * sqrt((1 + qpar)/(1 - qpar))
betaQ <- (sqrt((1 - qpar^4))/(2*qpar)) * sqrt((1 - qpar)/(1 + qpar))
y <- q / sqrt(omega)
pchisq((alphaQ*y)^2, df=2, ncp=( betaQ*y)^2) -
pchisq(( betaQ*y)^2, df=2, ncp=(alphaQ*y)^2)
Strictly monotonous function \(f: F() - p\) where the root \(x\) needs to be found such that \(F(x) - p = 0\).
Implement the quantile function of the Hoyt distribution by doing root finding of \(f\).
qHoyt <- function(p, qpar, omega) {
uniroot(f, interval=c(0, omega), extendInt="upX",
p=p, qpar=qpar, omega=omega)$root
qHoyt(p=0.7, qpar=0.5, omega=10)
[1] 3.351123
Simulate random deviates from the Hoyt distribution using inverse transform sampling = draw \(p\) from uniform distribution over \([0,1]\) and return \(Q(p)\).
Check that empirical cumulative distribution of random deviates actually follows theoretical cumulative distribution function.
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