Recode variables


  • link to factors

Install required packages

car, DescTools

wants <- c("car", "DescTools")
has   <- wants %in% rownames(installed.packages())
if(any(!has)) install.packages(wants[!has])

Recode numerical or character variables

Using index vectors

myColors <- c("red", "purple", "blue", "blue", "orange", "red", "orange")
farben   <- character(length(myColors))
farben[myColors == "red"]    <- "rot"
farben[myColors == "purple"] <- "violett"
farben[myColors == "blue"]   <- "blau"
farben[myColors == "orange"] <- "orange"
[1] "rot"     "violett" "blau"    "blau"    "orange"  "rot"     "orange" 
replace(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), list=c(2, 4), values=c(200, 400))
[1]   1 200   3 400   5

Using recode() from package car

recode(myColors, "'red'='rot'; 'blue'='blau'; 'purple'='violett'")
[1] "rot"     "violett" "blau"    "blau"    "orange"  "rot"     "orange" 
recode(myColors, "c('red', 'blue')='basic'; else='complex'")
[1] "basic"   "complex" "basic"   "basic"   "complex" "basic"   "complex"

Using ifelse()

orgVec <- c(5, 9, 11, 8, 9, 3, 1, 13, 9, 12, 5, 12, 6, 3, 17, 5, 8, 7)
cutoff <- 10
(reVec <- ifelse(orgVec <= cutoff, orgVec, cutoff))
 [1]  5  9 10  8  9  3  1 10  9 10  5 10  6  3 10  5  8  7
targetSet <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K")
response  <- c("Z", "E", "O", "W", "H", "C", "I", "G", "A", "O", "B")
(respRec  <- ifelse(response %in% targetSet, response, "other"))
 [1] "other" "E"     "other" "other" "H"     "C"     "I"     "G"    
 [9] "A"     "other" "B"    

Cut continuous variables into categorical variables

Free recoding of value ranges into categories

IQ <- rnorm(20, mean=100, sd=15)
ifelse(IQ >= 100, "hi", "lo")
 [1] "lo" "lo" "hi" "hi" "hi" "hi" "hi" "lo" "lo" "lo" "hi" "hi" "hi" "hi"
[15] "lo" "hi" "hi" "lo" "hi" "lo"
recode(IQ, "0:100=1; 101:115=2; else=3")
 [1] 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 1

Turn ordered value ranges into factor levels using cut()

IQfac <- cut(IQ, breaks=c(0, 85, 115, Inf), labels=c("lo", "mid", "hi"))
[1] mid mid hi  mid mid hi 
Levels: lo mid hi
medSplit <- cut(IQ, breaks=c(-Inf, median(IQ), Inf))
(-Inf,102] (102, Inf] 
        10         10 
IQdiscr <- cut(IQ, quantile(IQ), include.lowest=TRUE)
[70.5,92.6]  (92.6,102]   (102,108]   (108,127] 
          5           5           5           5 

Recode factors

Add, combine and remove factor levels

Add factor levels

(status <- factor(c("hi", "lo", "hi")))
[1] hi lo hi
Levels: hi lo
status[4] <- "mid"
[1] hi   lo   hi   <NA>
Levels: hi lo
levels(status) <- c(levels(status), "mid")
status[4] <- "mid"
[1] hi  lo  hi  mid
Levels: hi lo mid

Combine factor levels

hiNotHi <- status
levels(hiNotHi) <- list(hi="hi", notHi=c("mid", "lo"))
[1] hi    notHi hi    notHi
Levels: hi notHi
(statNew <- recode(status, "'hi'='high'; c('mid', 'lo')='notHigh'"))
[1] high    notHigh high    notHigh
Levels: high notHigh

Remove factor levels

[1] hi lo
Levels: hi lo mid
(newStatus <- droplevels(status[1:2]))
[1] hi lo
Levels: hi lo

Reorder factor levels

Using reorder.factor() from package DescTools

(facGrp <- factor(rep(LETTERS[1:3], each=5)))
 [1] A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C
Levels: A B C
(facRe <- reorder.factor(facGrp, new.order=c("C", "B", "A")))
 [1] A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C
Levels: C B A

Reorder group levels according to group statistics

vec <- rnorm(15, rep(c(10, 5, 15), each=5), 3)
tapply(vec, facGrp, FUN=mean)
        A         B         C 
 7.800560  4.652087 16.635740 
reorder(facGrp, vec, FUN=mean)
 [1] A A A A A B B B B B C C C C C
Levels: B A C

Detach (automatically) loaded packages (if possible)


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