R user interfaces

R’s default user interface

R console

Command prompt


For interactive data analysis: type in commands, hit Return key and get text output as a result.

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Comments start with #, they are not executed as a command

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  • Copy and paste to and from the clipboard as usual (Windows: Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v)
  • Interrupt R with ESC (on Windows) or Ctrl+c (Linux)
  • Quit with q()
  • Save a protocol of your commands and the output with sink("fileName.txt", split=TRUE)

Non-interactive use

For batch mode:

Rscript.exe input.r

Rterm.exe --no-restore --no-save < input.r > output.txt

Startup configuration and global options

On startup, several configuration files are read, see

Get value for global option

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Change option, save previous value, and restore previous value

Contributed user interfaces to R

Compared to the standard user interface that is already included with R, there are several better alternative options.

For working with R commands

  • RStudio integrated development environment (IDE): Cross platform (Windows, MacOS, Linux), great support for the workflow for these posts, my preferred choice
  • Eclipse IDE with StatET plugin: Cross platform (Windows, MacOS, Linux), powerful, visual debugging support
  • Bio7 another customization of the Eclipse IDE for working with R
  • VS Code can be set up to work with R, as explained in a blog post
  • Emacs / XEmacs text editor with Emacs Speaks Statistics add-on: Cross platform (Windows, MacOS, Linux), very powerful, hard to learn
  • JupyterLab is a Jupyter Notebook based IDE which can be installed using the Anaconda distribution (cross platform). In addition, one has to install IRkernel

Graphical front-ends for R functions

  • Rcmdr: R Commander - A Basic-Statistics GUI for R based on Java
  • Jamovi: Graphical statistical spreadsheet based on R
  • RKWard: Graphical user interface to R: Linux and limited Windows support

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