Three-way split-plot-factorial ANOVA (SPF-pq.r and SPF-p.qr design)


  • link to anovaSPFpq, anovaMixed, dfReshape

Traditional univariate analysis and multivariate approach.

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car, effectsize

Three-way SPF-\(pq \cdot r\) ANOVA

Using aov() with data in long format

Error: id
              Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)  
IVbtw1         1   0.11   0.106   0.038 0.8467  
IVbtw2         1  17.75  17.749   6.326 0.0165 *
IVbtw1:IVbtw2  1   0.05   0.048   0.017 0.8969  
Residuals     36 101.00   2.806                 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Error: id:IVwth
                    Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)    
IVwth                2  540.0  269.99  80.859 <2e-16 ***
IVbtw1:IVwth         2    2.3    1.17   0.351  0.705    
IVbtw2:IVwth         2    7.4    3.68   1.103  0.337    
IVbtw1:IVbtw2:IVwth  2   11.5    5.77   1.728  0.185    
Residuals           72  240.4    3.34                   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Effect size estimates: generalized \(\hat{\eta}_{g}^{2}\)

                          eta.sq  eta.sq.part   eta.sq.gen
IVbtw1              1.155981e-04 0.0010524579 0.0003115892
IVbtw2              1.928058e-02 0.1494602872 0.0494170687
IVbtw1:IVbtw2       5.186892e-05 0.0004725123 0.0001398342
IVwth               5.865837e-01 0.6919360568 0.6126434678
IVbtw1:IVwth        2.547111e-03 0.0096589020 0.0068209106
IVbtw2:IVwth        8.003689e-03 0.0297355126 0.0211244117
IVbtw1:IVbtw2:IVwth 1.253778e-02 0.0458090312 0.0327000780

Using Anova() from package car with data in wide format

Univariate Type II Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity

                    Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df F value Pr(>F)    
(Intercept)           0.11      1   101.00     36  0.0408 0.8411    
IVbtw1                0.11      1   101.00     36  0.0379 0.8467    
IVbtw2               17.75      1   101.00     36  6.3261 0.0165 *  
IVbtw1:IVbtw2         0.05      1   101.00     36  0.0170 0.8969    
IVwth               539.98      2   240.41     72 80.8589 <2e-16 ***
IVbtw1:IVwth          2.34      2   240.41     72  0.3511 0.7051    
IVbtw2:IVwth          7.37      2   240.41     72  1.1033 0.3373    
IVbtw1:IVbtw2:IVwth  11.54      2   240.41     72  1.7283 0.1849    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Mauchly Tests for Sphericity

                    Test statistic p-value
IVwth                       0.9932 0.88741
IVbtw1:IVwth                0.9932 0.88741
IVbtw2:IVwth                0.9932 0.88741
IVbtw1:IVbtw2:IVwth         0.9932 0.88741

Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt Corrections
 for Departure from Sphericity

                     GG eps Pr(>F[GG])    
IVwth               0.99324     <2e-16 ***
IVbtw1:IVwth        0.99324     0.7037    
IVbtw2:IVwth        0.99324     0.3370    
IVbtw1:IVbtw2:IVwth 0.99324     0.1851    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

                      HF eps   Pr(>F[HF])
IVwth               1.051053 3.900060e-19
IVbtw1:IVwth        1.051053 7.051035e-01
IVbtw2:IVwth        1.051053 3.373222e-01
IVbtw1:IVbtw2:IVwth 1.051053 1.848719e-01

Using anova.mlm() and mauchly.test() with data in wide format

Analysis of Variance Table

Contrasts orthogonal to

Contrasts spanned by

Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon: 1
Huynh-Feldt epsilon:        1

              Df      F num Df den Df  Pr(>F)  G-G Pr  H-F Pr
(Intercept)    1 0.0408      1     36 0.84107 0.84107 0.84107
IVbtw1         1 0.0379      1     36 0.84668 0.84668 0.84668
IVbtw2         1 6.3261      1     36 0.01650 0.01650 0.01650
IVbtw1:IVbtw2  1 0.0170      1     36 0.89693 0.89693 0.89693
Residuals     36                                             
Analysis of Variance Table

Contrasts orthogonal to

Contrasts spanned by

Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon: 0.9932
Huynh-Feldt epsilon:        1.0511

              Df       F num Df den Df  Pr(>F)  G-G Pr  H-F Pr
(Intercept)    1 80.8589      2     72 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
IVbtw1         1  0.3511      2     72 0.70510 0.70367 0.70510
IVbtw2         1  1.1033      2     72 0.33732 0.33704 0.33732
IVbtw1:IVbtw2  1  1.7283      2     72 0.18487 0.18512 0.18487
Residuals     36                                              

    Mauchly's test of sphericity
    Contrasts orthogonal to

    Contrasts spanned by

data:  SSD matrix from lm(formula = cbind(DV.1, DV.2, DV.3) ~ IVbtw1 * IVbtw2, data = dfSPFpq.rW)
W = 0.9932, p-value = 0.8874

Three-way SPF-\(p \cdot qr\) ANOVA

Using aov() with data in long format

Error: id
          Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
IVbtw      1   3.71   3.706   0.679  0.421
Residuals 18  98.31   5.461               

Error: id:IVwth1
             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
IVwth1        2  716.5   358.3  80.042 5.62e-14 ***
IVbtw:IVwth1  2    0.9     0.5   0.101    0.904    
Residuals    36  161.1     4.5                     
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Error: id:IVwth2
             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)    
IVwth2        1 114.65  114.65  30.564  3e-05 ***
IVbtw:IVwth2  1   0.38    0.38   0.101  0.754    
Residuals    18  67.52    3.75                   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Error: id:IVwth1:IVwth2
                    Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
IVwth1:IVwth2        2   4.15   2.077   0.655  0.526
IVbtw:IVwth1:IVwth2  2   8.08   4.042   1.274  0.292
Residuals           36 114.18   3.172               

Effect size estimates: generalized \(\hat{\eta}_{g}^{2}\)

Group            |           Parameter |     Eta2 |       90% CI
id               |               IVbtw | 2.87e-03 | [0.00, 0.13]
id:IVwth1        |              IVwth1 |     0.56 | [0.36, 0.68]
id:IVwth1        |        IVbtw:IVwth1 | 7.00e-04 | [0.00, 0.00]
id:IVwth2        |              IVwth2 |     0.09 | [0.00, 0.33]
id:IVwth2        |        IVbtw:IVwth2 | 2.94e-04 | [0.00, 0.01]
id:IVwth1:IVwth2 |       IVwth1:IVwth2 | 3.22e-03 | [0.00, 0.01]
id:IVwth1:IVwth2 | IVbtw:IVwth1:IVwth2 | 6.27e-03 | [0.00, 0.04]
Group            |           Parameter | Eta2 (partial) |       90% CI
id               |               IVbtw |           0.04 | [0.00, 0.25]
id:IVwth1        |              IVwth1 |           0.82 | [0.72, 0.87]
id:IVwth1        |        IVbtw:IVwth1 |       5.57e-03 | [0.00, 0.04]
id:IVwth2        |              IVwth2 |           0.63 | [0.37, 0.77]
id:IVwth2        |        IVbtw:IVwth2 |       5.58e-03 | [0.00, 0.17]
id:IVwth1:IVwth2 |       IVwth1:IVwth2 |           0.04 | [0.00, 0.15]
id:IVwth1:IVwth2 | IVbtw:IVwth1:IVwth2 |           0.07 | [0.00, 0.20]
Group            |           Parameter | Eta2 (generalized) |       90% CI
id               |               IVbtw |           8.33e-03 | [0.00, 0.17]
id:IVwth1        |              IVwth1 |               0.62 | [0.44, 0.73]
id:IVwth1        |        IVbtw:IVwth1 |           2.04e-03 | [0.00, 0.00]
id:IVwth2        |              IVwth2 |               0.21 | [0.00, 0.46]
id:IVwth2        |        IVbtw:IVwth2 |           8.59e-04 | [0.00, 0.07]
id:IVwth1:IVwth2 |       IVwth1:IVwth2 |           9.33e-03 | [0.00, 0.06]
id:IVwth1:IVwth2 | IVbtw:IVwth1:IVwth2 |               0.02 | [0.00, 0.04]

Using Anova() from package car with data in wide format

Univariate Type II Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity

                     Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df   F value    Pr(>F)    
(Intercept)         18098.5      1   98.306     18 3313.8768 < 2.2e-16 ***
IVbtw                   3.7      1   98.306     18    0.6786    0.4209    
IVwth1                716.5      2  161.128     36   80.0421 5.617e-14 ***
IVbtw:IVwth1            0.9      2  161.128     36    0.1008    0.9044    
IVwth2                114.7      1   67.522     18   30.5637 3.002e-05 ***
IVbtw:IVwth2            0.4      1   67.522     18    0.1011    0.7542    
IVwth1:IVwth2           4.2      2  114.182     36    0.6549    0.5255    
IVbtw:IVwth1:IVwth2     8.1      2  114.182     36    1.2743    0.2919    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Mauchly Tests for Sphericity

                    Test statistic p-value
IVwth1                     0.99188 0.93305
IVbtw:IVwth1               0.99188 0.93305
IVwth1:IVwth2              0.97532 0.80865
IVbtw:IVwth1:IVwth2        0.97532 0.80865

Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt Corrections
 for Departure from Sphericity

                     GG eps Pr(>F[GG])    
IVwth1              0.99195  6.993e-14 ***
IVbtw:IVwth1        0.99195     0.9030    
IVwth1:IVwth2       0.97592     0.5221    
IVbtw:IVwth1:IVwth2 0.97592     0.2917    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

                      HF eps   Pr(>F[HF])
IVwth1              1.114314 5.616681e-14
IVbtw:IVwth1        1.114314 9.043664e-01
IVwth1:IVwth2       1.093110 5.255497e-01
IVbtw:IVwth1:IVwth2 1.093110 2.919453e-01

Using anova.mlm() and mauchly.test() with data in wide format

Analysis of Variance Table

Contrasts orthogonal to

Contrasts spanned by

Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon: 1
Huynh-Feldt epsilon:        1

            Df         F num Df den Df  Pr(>F)  G-G Pr  H-F Pr
(Intercept)  1 3313.8768      1     18 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
IVbtw        1    0.6786      1     18 0.42085 0.42085 0.42085
Residuals   18                                                
Analysis of Variance Table

Contrasts orthogonal to

Contrasts spanned by

Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon: 0.9919
Huynh-Feldt epsilon:        1.1143

            Df       F num Df den Df  Pr(>F)  G-G Pr  H-F Pr
(Intercept)  1 80.0421      2     36 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
IVbtw        1  0.1008      2     36 0.90437 0.90299 0.90437
Residuals   18                                              
Analysis of Variance Table

Contrasts orthogonal to

Contrasts spanned by
~IVwth1 + IVwth2

Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon: 1
Huynh-Feldt epsilon:        1

            Df       F num Df den Df  Pr(>F)  G-G Pr  H-F Pr
(Intercept)  1 30.5637      1     18 0.00003 0.00003 0.00003
IVbtw        1  0.1011      1     18 0.75423 0.75423 0.75423
Residuals   18                                              
Analysis of Variance Table

Contrasts orthogonal to
~IVwth1 + IVwth2

Contrasts spanned by
~IVwth1 + IVwth2 + IVwth1:IVwth2

Greenhouse-Geisser epsilon: 0.9759
Huynh-Feldt epsilon:        1.0931

            Df      F num Df den Df  Pr(>F)  G-G Pr  H-F Pr
(Intercept)  1 0.6549      2     36 0.52555 0.52211 0.52555
IVbtw        1 1.2743      2     36 0.29195 0.29167 0.29195
Residuals   18                                             

    Mauchly's test of sphericity
    Contrasts orthogonal to

    Contrasts spanned by

data:  SSD matrix from lm(formula = cbind(DV.1.1, DV.2.1, DV.3.1, DV.1.2, DV.2.2, DV.3.2) ~  SSD matrix from     IVbtw, data = dfSPFp.qrW)
W = 0.99188, p-value = 0.933

Mauchly-Test for IVwth2 is unnecessary here since R=2 -> sphericity holds automatically

    Mauchly's test of sphericity
    Contrasts orthogonal to

    Contrasts spanned by
    ~IVwth1 + IVwth2

data:  SSD matrix from lm(formula = cbind(DV.1.1, DV.2.1, DV.3.1, DV.1.2, DV.2.2, DV.3.2) ~  SSD matrix from     IVbtw, data = dfSPFp.qrW)
W = 1, p-value = 1

    Mauchly's test of sphericity
    Contrasts orthogonal to
    ~IVwth1 + IVwth2

    Contrasts spanned by
    ~IVwth1 + IVwth2 + IVwth1:IVwth2

data:  SSD matrix from lm(formula = cbind(DV.1.1, DV.2.1, DV.3.1, DV.1.2, DV.2.2, DV.3.2) ~  SSD matrix from     IVbtw, data = dfSPFp.qrW)
W = 0.97532, p-value = 0.8086

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