Arithmetic with matrices


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Sums and means

     age weight height
[1,]  19     95    197
[2,]  19     76    178
[3,]  31     94    189
[4,]  19     76    184
[5,]  24     76    173
[1] 1450
[1] 311 273 314 279 273
[1] 96.66667
   age weight height 
  22.4   83.4  184.2 

Apply any arithmetic function to rows or columns

   age weight height 
   112    417    921 
[1] 197 178 189 184 173
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,]   19   19   31   19   24
[2,]  197  178  189  184  173
   age weight height 
  22.4   83.4  184.2 

Matrix algebra

           age     weight   height
[1,] -84.66667  -8.666667 93.33333
[2,] -72.00000 -15.000000 87.00000
[3,] -73.66667 -10.666667 84.33333
[4,] -74.00000 -17.000000 91.00000
[5,] -67.00000 -15.000000 82.00000
           age     weight   height
[1,] -84.66667  -8.666667 93.33333
[2,] -72.00000 -15.000000 87.00000
[3,] -73.66667 -10.666667 84.33333
[4,] -74.00000 -17.000000 91.00000
[5,] -67.00000 -15.000000 82.00000
[1] 103.6667  91.0000 104.6667  93.0000  91.0000
      age weight height
[1,] -3.4   11.6   12.8
[2,] -3.4   -7.4   -6.2
[3,]  8.6   10.6    4.8
[4,] -3.4   -7.4   -0.2
[5,]  1.6   -7.4  -11.2
      age weight height
[1,] -3.4   11.6   12.8
[2,] -3.4   -7.4   -6.2
[3,]  8.6   10.6    4.8
[4,] -3.4   -7.4   -0.2
[5,]  1.6   -7.4  -11.2
   age weight height 
  22.4   83.4  184.2 

Covariance and correlation matrices

         age weight height
age    27.80  22.55    0.4
weight 22.55 102.80   82.4
height  0.40  82.40   87.7
               age    weight      height
age    1.000000000 0.4218204 0.008100984
weight 0.421820411 1.0000000 0.867822404
height 0.008100984 0.8678224 1.000000000
         age weight height
age    22.24  18.04   0.32
weight 18.04  82.24  65.92
height  0.32  65.92  70.16

   age weight height 
  22.4   83.4  184.2 

[1] 5
   age weight height 
  27.8  102.8   87.7 
age     0.17497156
weight  0.14332530
height -0.04030174
           age    weight      height
[1,] 0.1749716 0.1433253 -0.04030174

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