Wollschläger D. R kompakt: Der schnelle Einstieg in die Datenanalyse. 3. Aufl. Springer Spektrum, Berlin, 2021.
Wollschläger D. Grundlagen der Datenanalyse mit R. 5. Aufl. Springer Spektrum, Berlin, 2020.
Book Chapters
Zeeb H, Merzenich H, Blettner M, Wollschläger D. Radiation Epidemiology. In: Ahrens W & Pigeot I (Eds.). Handbook of Epidemiology. Springer, Berlin 2023. doi 10.1007/978-1-4614-6625-3_68-1.
Zeeb H, Dreger S, Wollschläger D, Blettner M. VIII - 7.5: Flugreisen, Strahlung und Gesundheit. In: Wichmann E & Fromme H (Eds.): Handbuch der Umweltmedizin (67. Aktualisierung). ecomed, Landsberg 2021.
Journal Articles
Sommer M, Heinzl F, Scholz-Kreisel P, Wollschläger D, Heumann C, Fenske N. Lifetime risks for lung cancer due to occupational radon exposure: a systematic analysis of estimation components. Radiation Research 2025. Accepted.
Gianicolo EAL, Russo A, Di Staso R, Ronckers CM, Schmidtmann I, Wollschläger D, Blettner M. A municipality-specific analysis to investigate persistent increased incidence rates of childhood leukaemia near the nuclear power plant of Krümmel in Germany. European Journal of Epidemiology 2024. doi 10.1007/s10654-024-01182-w.
Didion N, Pohlmann F, Pirlich N, Wittenmeier E, Jänig C, Wollschläger D, Griemert EV. Favour the best in case of emergency cricothyroidotomy - a randomized cross-over trial on manikin focused training and simulation of common devices. PeerJ 2024. doi 10.7717/peerj.17788.
Di Staso R, Wollschläger D, Blettner M, Gianicolo EAL. Mortality risk associated to arsenic exposure after a major disaster: Results from the Manfredonia occupational cohort study 1976-2021. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2024. doi 10.1016/j.ijheh.2024.114428.
Lang F, Wollschläger D, Letzel S, Roßbach B. Renal excretion of 1,2-dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN) in firefighting instructors after exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during live fire training. Scientific Reports 2024. doi 10.1038/s41598-024-62388-2.
Kaufmann J, Täubl AU, Nikolaidou E, Rühle A, Hopprich A, Wollschläger D, Mayer A, Nicolay NH, Schmidberger H, Bostel T. Excellent long-term pain response and local control following postoperative radiotherapy in patients with multiple myeloma. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2024. doi 10.1007/s00066-024-02198-7.
Wollschläger D, Fückel S, Blettner M, Gianicolo E. Übersterblichkeit im Kontext der COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland. Die Kardiologie 2024. doi 10.1007/s12181-024-00666-z.
Bostel T, Nikolaidou E, Wollschläger D, Mayer A, Kaufmann J, Hopprich A, Rühle A, Grosu AL, Debus J, Fottner C, Moehler M, Grimminger P, Schmidberger H, Nicolay NH. Multicenter analysis on the value of standard (chemo)radiotherapy in elderly patients with locally advanced adenocarcinoma of the esophagus or gastroesophageal junction. Radiation Oncology 2024; 19: 28.
Wollschläger D. Book Review: Attribution of Radiation Health Effects and Inference of Radiation Risks - Considerations for Application of the IAEA Safety Standards, IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 122. Journal of Radiological Protection 2024; 44: 017001.
Oebel L, Mayer A, Kaufmann J, Wollschläger D, Hagemann J, Krüger M, Schmidberger H. Is bilateral radiotherapy necessary for patients with unilateral squamous cell carcinoma of unknown primary of the head and neck region? Clinical and Translational Radiation Oncology 2024; 45: 100713.
Ruppert R, Junginger T, Kube R, Strassburg J, Lewin A, Baral J, Maurer CA, Sauer J, Lauscher J, Winde G, Thomasmeyer R, Stelzner S, Bambauer C, Scheunemann S, Faedrich A, Wollschlaeger D, Merkel S. Risk-adapted neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in rectal cancer: Final report of the OCUM study. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2023; 41: 4025-4034.
Wollschläger D, Jahnen A, Hermen J, Giussani A, Stamm G, Borowski M, Huisinga C, Mentzel H-J, Braun J, Sigmund G, Wagner J, Adolph J, Gunschera J, Koerber F, Schiefer A, Müller B, Lenzen H, Doering T, Entz K, Kunze C, Starck P, Staatz G, Mildenberger P, Pokora R. Pediatric Computed Tomography Doses in Germany from 2016 to 2018 Based on Large-Scale Data Collection. European Journal of Radiology 2023; 163: 110832.
Wellbrock M, Spix C, Ronckers C, Grabow D, Filbert AL, Borkhardt A, Wollschläger D, Erdmann F. Temporal patterns of childhood cancer survival 1991-2016: A nationwide register-study based on data from the German Childhood Cancer Registry. International Journal of Cancer 2023; 153: 742-755.
Merzenich H, Sandkämper L, Bäcker M, Zeeb H, Wollschläger D. Wenn die Mutlosigkeit in der Anwendung des Datenschutzrechts zum Forschungshemmnis wird: Drei Beispiele aus epidemiologischen Studien. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 2023; 120: A-761 / B-651
Bostel T, Akbaba S, Wollschläger D, Mayer A, Nikolaidou E, Murnik M, Kirste S, Rühle A, Grosu AL, Debus J, Fottner C, Moehler M, Grimminger P, Schmidberger H, Nicolay NH. Chemo(radio)therapy in geriatric patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus: multi-center analysis on the value of standard treatment in the elderly. Frontiers in Oncology 2023; 13: 1063670. doi 10.3389/fonc.2023.1063670.
Schepers M, Schmidtmann I, Zahn D, Wild PS, Beutel ME, Schuster AK, Münzel T, Lackner KJ, Geschke K, Schattenberg J, Baumkötter R, Yilmaz S, Wollschläger D. Medical appointments and provision of medical care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Mainz, Germany. PLOS ONE 2023; 18: e0280292. doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0280292.
Russo A, Blettner M, Merzenich H, Wollschläger D, Erdmann F, Gianicolo E. Incidence of childhood leukaemia before and after shut down of nuclear power plants in Germany in 2011: A population-based register study during 2004-2019. International Journal of Cancer 2023; 152: 913-920.
Merzenich H, Gianicolo E, Baaken D, Wollschläger D, Zeeb H. Professor Maria Blettner: Life and work of an influential epidemiologist whose contribution to the discipline has expanded the fundamental knowledge of the breadth and depth of the field in Germany. American Journal of Epidemiology 2023; 192: 688-689.
Pokora R, Büttner M, Schulz A, Schuster AK, Merzenich H, Teifke A, Michal M, Lackner K, Münzel T, Zeissig SR, Wild PS, Singer S, Wollschläger D. Determinants of mammography screening participation - A cross-sectional analysis of the German population-based Gutenberg Health Study (GHS). PLOS ONE 2022; 17: e0275525. doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0275525.
Hummel R, Wollschläger D, Baldering HJ, Engelhard K, Wittenmeier E, Epp K, Pirlich N. Big data: Airway management at a university hospital over 16 years; a retrospective analysis. PLOS ONE 2022; 17: e0273549. doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0273549
Pfrommer L, Schoeps M, Blettner M, Wollschläger D, Herm-Stapelberg N, Mittnacht L, Kachel P, Jahn K, von Loewenich F, Gianicolo E. Selbstberichtete Reaktogenität nach verschiedenen COVID-19-Impfschemata: eine Analyse registerbasierter Daten. Deutsches Ärzteblatt 2022; 119: 727-734.
Staib-Lasarzik I, Lehr S, Rosner A-K, Timaru-Kast R, Bruns K, Wollschläger D, Heinrich S, Thal SC, Engelhard K. Correlation of the amount of intraoperative fluid replacement with ampicillin serum levels. Surgery 2022; 172: 648-654
Onyije FM, Olsson A, Baaken D, Erdmann F, Wollschläger D, Schüz J. Environmental risk factors for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: An umbrella review. Cancers 2022; 14: 382. doi 10.3390/cancers14020382
Janzarik G, Wollschläger D, Wessa M, Lieb K. A group intervention to promote resilience in nursing professionals: A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022; 19: 649. doi 10.3390/ijerph19020649
Narh CT, Der JB, Ofosu A, Blettner M, Wollschläger D. Describing and modelling the burden of hospitalisation of patients with neoplasms in Ghana using routine health data for 2012-2017. JCO Global Oncology 2022; 8: e2100416.
Baaken D, Merzenich H, Schmidt M, Bekes I, Schwentner L, Janni W, Woeckel A, Renner J, Bartkowiak D, Mayr M, Mose S, Merz T, Wiegel T, Blettner M, Schmidberger H, Wollschläger D. A nested case-control study on radiation dose-response for cardiac events in breast cancer patients in Germany. Breast Journal 2022; 65: 1-7.
Mayer A, Wenzel W, Wollschläger D, Bostel T, Krüger M, Matthias C, Schmidberger H. Adjuvant chemoradiotherapy in elderly patients with head and neck cancer: a monoinstitutional, two-to-one pair-matching analysis. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2022; 198: 159-170.
Stelzner S, Ruppert R, Kube R, Strassburg J, Lewin A, Baral J, Maurer CA, Sauer J, Lauscher J, Winde G, Thomasmeyer R, Bambauer C, Scheunemann S, Faedrich A, Wollschlaeger D, Junginger T, Merkel S. Selection of patients with rectal cancer for neoadjuvant therapy using pre-therapeutic MRI - Results from OCUM trial. European Journal of Radiology 2022; 147: 110113.
Merzenich H, Baaken D, Schmidt M, Bekes I, Schwentner L, Janni W, Woeckel A, Bartkowiak D, Wiegel T, Blettner M, Wollschläger D, Schmidberger H. Cardiac late effects after 3D conformal radiotherapy in breast cancer patients - a retrospective cohort study in Germany (ESCaRa). Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2022; 191: 147-157.
Wollschläger D, Schmidtmann I, Fückel S, Blettner M, Gianicolo E. Erklärbarkeit der altersadjustierten Übersterblichkeit mit den COVID-19-attribuierten Sterbefällen von Januar 2020 bis Juli 2021. Bundesgesundheitsblatt 2022; 65: 378-387.
Narh CT, Der JB, Ofosu A, Blettner M, Wollschläger D. Trends in hospitalization of patients with diabetes in Ghana using routine health administrative data from 2012 to 2017 with predictions to 2032. International Health 2022; 14: 588-596.
Wollschläger D, Gianicolo E, Blettner M, Hamann R, Herm-Stapelberg N, Schoeps M. Association of COVID-19 mortality with COVID-19 vaccination rates in Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany) from calendar week 1 to 20 in the year 2021: A registry-based analysis. European Journal of Epidemiology 2021; 36: 1231-1236.
Stockinger M, Karle H, Rennau H, Sebb S, Wolf U, Remmele J, Bührdel S, Bartkowiak D, Blettner M, Schmidberger H, Wollschläger D. Heart atlas for retrospective cardiac dosimetry: a multi-institutional study on interobserver contouring variations and their dosimetric impact. Radiation Oncology 2021; 16: 241.
Gianicolo E, Wollschläger D, Blettner M. Comment on "Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States". European Journal of Epidemiology 2021; 36: 1241-1242.
Narh CT, Der JB, Afetor M, Ofosu A, Blettner M, Wollschlaeger D. Sociodemographic factors associated with time to discharge for hospitalized asthma and asthma exacerbation patients using the Ghana Health Service District Information Management System 2 (DHIMS-2) database, 2012-2017. BMJ Open Respiratory Research 2021; 8: e001034. doi 10.1136/bmjresp-2021-001034.
Bostel T, Akbaba S, Wollschläger D, Klodt T, Oebel L, Mayer A, Drabke S, Sprave T, Debus J, Förster R, Rief H, Rühle A, Grosu AL, Schmidberger H, Nicolay NH. Comparative analyses of two established scores to assess the stability of spinal bone metastases before and after palliative radiotherapy. Frontiers in Oncology 2021; 11: 753768.
Wollschläger D, Schmidtmann I, Blettner M, Ernst V, Fückel S, Caranci N, Gianicolo E. Suicide during the COVID-19 pandemic 2020 compared to the years 2011-2019 in Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany) and Emilia-Romagna (Italy). Deutsches Ärzteblatt International 2021; 118: 814-815.
Wollschläger D, Auvinen A, Blettner M, Zeeb H. Methodological considerations for interrupted time series analysis in radiation epidemiology: An overview. Journal of Radiological Protection 2021; 41: 609.
Simonetto C, Wollschläger D, Kundrát P, Ulanovski A, Shemiakina E, Güthlin D, Becker J, Castelletti N, Eidemüller M. Estimating long-term health risks after breast cancer radiotherapy: Merging evidence from low and high doses. Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 2021; 60: 459-474.
Narh C, Der JB, Ofosu A, Blettner M, Wollschläger D. Time trends, sociodemographic and health factors associated with discharge and Length of Stay of hospitalized sickle cell disease patients in Ghana: A retrospective analysis of national routine health database. BMJ Open 2021; 11: e048407.
Gilan D, Müssig M, Hahad O, Kunzler AM, Samstag S, Röthke N, Thrul J, Kreuter F, Bosnjak M, Sprengholz P, Betsch C, Wollschläger D, Tüscher O, Lieb K. Protective and Risk Factors for Mental Distress and its Impact on Health-Protective Behaviors during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic between March 2020 and March 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021; 18: 9167.
Röthke N, Wollschläger D, Kunzler A, Rohde A, Molter S, Bodenstein M, Reif A, Walter H, Lieb K, Tüscher O. Psychische Belastung, Resilienz und Absentismusneigung bei deutschem Gesundheitspersonal während der COVID-19-Pandemie im Frühjahr 2020. Nervenarzt 2021; 92: 579-590.
Scholz-Kreisel P, Wollschläger D. Spätfolgen onkologischer Strahlentherapie. Onkologe 2021; 27: 747-752.
Baaken D, Wollschläger D, Samaras T, Schüz J, Deltour I. Exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields in low and middle income countries: An Overview. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 2020; 19: 487-500.
Bostel T, Mattke M, Nicolay NH, Welzel T, Wollschläger D, Akbaba S, Mayer A, Sprave T, Debus J, Uhl M. High-dose carbon-ion based radiotherapy of primary and recurrent sacrococcygeal chordomas: long-term clinical results of a single particle therapy center. Radiation Oncology 2020; 15: 206.
Bostel T, Dreher C, Wollschläger D, Mayer A, König F, Bickelhaupt S, Schlemmer HP, Huber PE, Sterzing F, Bäumer P, Debus J, Nicolay NH. Exploring MR regression patterns in rectal cancer during neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy with daily T2- and diffusion-weighted MRI. Radiation Oncology 2020; 15: 171.
Bostel T, Rühle A, Rackwitz T, Mayer A, Klodt T, Oebel L, Förster R, Schlampp I, Wollschläger D, Rief H, Sprave T, Debus J, Grosu AL, Schmidberger H, Akbaba S, Nicolay NH. The role of palliative radiotherapy in the treatment of spinal bone metastases from head and neck tumors - A multicenter analysis of a rare event. Cancers 2020; 12: 1950.
Koch C, Schleeff J, Techen F, Wollschläger D, Schott G, Kölbel R, Lieb K. Effect of physicians' participation in non-interventional post-marketing studies on their prescription habits: A retrospective two-armed cohort study. PLOS Medicine 2020; 17: e1003151. doi 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003151.
Rossbach B, Wollschläger D, Letzel S, Gottschalk W, Muttray A. Internal Exposure of Firefighting Instructors to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) during Live Fire Training. Toxicology Letters 2020; 331: 102-111.
Wagner S, Wollschläger D, Dreimüller N, Engelmann J, Herzog D, Roll SC, Elsner S, Tadi A, Lieb K. Effects of age on depressive symptomatology and response to antidepressant treatment in patients with major depressive disorder aged 18 to 65 years. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2020; 99: 152170.
Dreger S, Wollschläger D, Schafft T, Hammer GP, Blettner M, Zeeb H. Occupational exposure to cosmic radiation and cancer mortality in German aircrew: results of large cohort study using dose registry data, 1960-2014. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2020; 77: 285-291.
Engelmann J, Wagner S, Wollschläger D, Kaaden S, Schlicht KF, Dreimüller N, Braus DF, Müller MB, Frieling H, Tadić A, Lieb K. Higher BDNF plasma levels are associated with a normalization of memory dysfunctions during an antidepressant treatment. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience 2020; 270: 183-193. doi 10.1007/s00406-019-01006-z.
Scheidemann-Wesp U, Gianicolo EAL, Cámara R, Wegener A, Buchner SE, Schwenn O, Höck A, Buchner H, Lorenz K, Vossmerbaeumer U, Böhm M, Kohnen T, Wollschläger D, Singer S, Blettner M, Hammer GP. Ionizing radiation and lens opacities in interventional physicians: results of a German pilot study. Journal of Radiological Protection 2019; 39: 1041-1059.
Renovanz M, Soebianto S, Tsakmaklis H, Keric N, Nadji-Ohl M, Beutel M, Ringel F, Wollschläger D, Hickmann A-K. Evaluation of the psychological burden during the early disease trajectory in patients with intracranial tumors by the ultra-brief Patient Health Questionnaire for Depression and Anxiety (PHQ-4). Supportive Care in Cancer 2019; 27: 4469-4477.
Herr D, Wischnewsky M, Joukhadar R, Chow O, Janni W, Leinert E, Stüber T, Curtaz C, Kreienberg R, Blettner M, Wollschläger D, Wöckel A. Does chemotherapy improve survival in patients with nodal positive luminal A breast cancer? A retrospective Multicenter Study. PLoS ONE 2019; 14: e0218434. doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0218434.
Bostel T, Förster R, Schlampp I, Sprave T, Akbaba S, Wollschläger D, Debus J, Mayer A, Schmidberger H, Rief H, Nicolay NH. Stability and survival analysis of elderly patients with osteolytic spinal bone metastases after palliative radiotherapy - results from a large multicenter cohort. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2019; 195: 1074-1085.
Dreimüller N, Lieb K, Tadić A, Engelmann J, Wollschläger D, Wagner S. Body Mass Index (BMI) in major depressive disorder and its effects on depressive symptomatology and antidepressant response. Journal of Affective Disorders 2019; 256: 524-531
Junginger T, Goenner U, Hitzler M, Trinh TT, Heintz A, Wollschläger D. Local excision followed by early radical surgery in rectal cancer: long-term outcome. World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2019; 17: 168.
Lauter A, Triantafyllias K, Leiß R, Amberger C, Engels J, Hesse M, Jendro M, Gilly J, Stadelmann M-L, Ziese W, Wollschläger D, Dreher M, Pfeiff B, Weinmann-Menke J, Panholzer T, Schwarting A. ADAPTHERA - Landesweit transsektorales Versorgungsnetzwerk für Patienten mit früher rheumatoider Arthritis zeigt anhaltende Remissionen in der Regelversorgung. Zeitschrift für Rheumatologie 2019; 78: 660-669.
Wollschläger D, Blettner M, Pokora R. Re: "Radiation Exposure from Pediatric CT Scans and Subsequent Cancer Risk in the Netherlands". Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) 2019; 111: 1000-1001.
Junginger T, Goenner U, Trinh TT, Heintz A, Lollert A, Blettner M, Wollschläger D. The link between local recurrence and distant metastases in patients with rectal cancer. Anticancer Research 2019; 39: 3079-3088.
Merzenich H, Blettner M, Niehoff D, Schwentner L, Schmidt M, Schmitt M, Wollschläger D. Cardiac late events in German breast cancer patients: a validation study on the agreement between patient self-reports and information from physicians. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2018; 18: 218.
Pokora R, Wollschläger D, Stamm G, Jahnen A, Hermen J, Mildenberger P, Staatz G. Erfassung der relativen Häufigkeiten und Strahlendosen von Röntgenanwendungen in der pädiatrischen Radiologie. Fortschr Röntgenstr 2018; 190: 867.
Pokora R, Gianicolo E, Merzenich H, Wollschläger D. Risikokommunikation bei der diagnostischen Bildgebung mit Computertomographie. UMID Umwelt + Mensch Informationsdienst 2018; 2: 37-46.
Ruppert R, Junginger T, Ptok H, Stassburg J, Brosi P, Sauer J, Schoen M, Kreis M, Wollschläger D, Hermanek P, Merkel S. Oncological outcome after MRI-based selection for neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in the OCUM Rectal Cancer Trial. British Journal of Surgery 2018; 105: 1519-1529.
Wagner S, Helmreich I, Wollschläger D, Meyer K, Kaaden S, Reiff J, Roll SC, Braus D, Tüscher O, Müller-Dahlhaus F, Tadić A, Lieb K. Early improvement of executive test performance during antidepressant treatment predicts treatment outcome in patients with Major Depressive Disorder. PLOS ONE 2018; 13: e0194574. doi 10.1371/journal.pone.0194574.
Merzenich H, Wollschläger D, Almstedt K, Schmidt M, Blettner M, Schmidberger H, Stockinger M. Kardiale Spätfolgen nach Strahlentherapie und Chemotherapie. Der Onkologe 2018; 24: 780-789.
Lorenz E, Blettner M, Lange B, Schmidt M, Schneider A, Schwentner L, Wollschläger D, Merzenich H. Prevalence of Cardiac Disease in Breast Cancer Patients at Time of Diagnosis Compared to the General Female Population in Germany. Breast Care 2018; 13: 264-271.
Wollschläger D, Hammer GP, Schafft T, Dreger S, Blettner M, Zeeb H. Estimated radiation exposure of German commercial airline cabin crew in the years 1960-2003 modeled using dose registry data for 2004-2015. Journal Of Exposure Science And Environmental Epidemiology 2018; 28: 275-280.
Schwentner L, Dayan D, Wöckel A, Janni W, Kreienberg R, Blettner M, Wollschläger D. Is extracapsular nodal extension in sentinel nodes a predictor for non-sentinel metastasis and is there an impact on survival parameters? - A retrospective single center cohort study with 324 patients. The Breast Journal 2018; 24: 480-486.
Wollschläger D, Meng X, Wöckel A, Janni W, Kreienberg R, Blettner M, Schwentner L. Comorbidity-dependent adherence to guidelines and survival in breast cancer - Is there a role for guideline adherence in comorbid breast cancer patients? A retrospective cohort study with 2137 patients. The Breast Journal 2017; 24: 120-127.
Wollschläger D, Merzenich H, Schwentner L, Janni W, Wiegel T, Bartkowiak D, Wöckel A, Schmidt M, Schmidberger H, Blettner M. Self-reported long-term cardiac morbidity in breast cancer patients - a retrospective cohort study in Germany (PASSOS-Heart Study). Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2017; 163: 595-604.
Holzhäuser E, Berlin M, Wollschläger D, Bezold T, Mayer A, Heß G, Schmidberger H. Patterns of failure of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients after involved-site radiotherapy. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2017; 193: 1014-1023.
Metzger J-C, Wollschläger D, Miederer M, Vaupel P, Moehler M, Schmidberger H, Mayer A. Inclusion of PET-CT into planning of primary or neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy of esophageal cancer improves prognosis. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2017; 193: 791-799.
Junginger T, Goenner U, Hitzler M, Trinh TT, Heintz A, Blettner M, Wollschläger D. Transanal endoscopic microsurgery after endoscopic polypectomy of malignant rectal adenoma. Techniques in Coloproctology 2017; 21: 225-232.
Segner V, Kimbel R, Jochems P, Heinemann A, Letzel S, Wollschläger D, Roßbach B. Liquid release as a source of potential drug exposure during the handling of intravenous infusions in nursing. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 2017; 90: 275-284.
Sørensen L, Sonuga-Barke E, Eichele H, van Wageningen H, Wollschlaeger D, Plessen KJ. Suboptimal decision making by children with ADHD in the face of risk: Poor risk adjustment and delay aversion rather than general proneness to taking risks. Neuropsychology 2017; 31: 119-128.
Wollschläger D, Karle H, Stockinger M, Bartkowiak D, Bührdel S, Merzenich H, Wiegel D, Schmidberger H, Blettner M. Predicting heart dose in breast cancer patients who received 3D conformal radiation therapy. Health Physics 2017; 112: 1-10.
Adólfsdóttir S, Wollschläger D, Wehling E, Lundervold A. Inhibition and switching in healthy aging - a longitudinal study. The Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 2017; 23: 90-97.
Merzenich H, Bartkowiak D, Schmidberger H, Schmidt M, Schwentner L, Wiegel T, Woeckel A, Wollschläger D, Blettner M. 3D-conformal radiotherapy is not associated with the long-term cardiac mortality in breast cancer patients - a retrospective cohort study in Germany (PASSOS-Heart Study). Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2017; 161: 143-152.
Junginger T, Goenner U, Hitzler M, Trinh TT, Heintz A, Blettner M, Wollschläger D. Analysis of local recurrences after transanal endoscopic microsurgery for low risk rectal carcinoma. International Journal of Colorectal Disease 2017; 32: 265-271.
Wollschläger D, Karle H, Stockinger M, Bartkowiak D, Bührdel S, Merzenich H, Wiegel D, Blettner M, Schmidberger H. Radiation dose distribution in functional heart regions from tangential breast cancer radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2016; 119: 65-70.
Stein RG, Wollschläger D, Kreienberg R, Janni W, Wischnewsky M, Diessner J, Stüber T, Bartmann C, Krockenberger M, Wischhusen J, Wöckel A, Blettner M, Schwentner L. The impact of breast cancer biological subtyping on tumor size assessment by ultrasound and mammography - A retrospective multicenter Cohort Study of 6543 primary breast cancer patients. BMC Cancer 2016; 16: 459.
Junginger T, Goenner U, Hitzler M, Trinh TT, Lollert A, Heintz A, Wollschläger D, Blettner M. Influence of local recurrence and distant metastasis on prognosis after local excision of rectal carcinoma. Anticancer Research 2016; 36: 763-768.
Junginger T, Goenner U, Hitzler M, Trinh TT, Heintz A, Wollschläger D, Blettner M. Long-term Oncological Outcome after Transanal Endoscopic Microsurgery for Rectal Carcinoma. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 2016; 59: 8-15.
Wehling E, Lundervold AJ, Nordin S, Wollschläger D. Longitudinal changes in familiarity, free and cued odor identification and edibility judgments for odors in aging individuals. Chemical Senses 2016; 41: 155-161.
Wehling E, Nordin S, Wollschläger D, Lundervold AJ. Longitudinal changes in odor identification performance and neuropsychological measures in aging individuals. Neuropsychology 2016; 30: 87-97.
Wehling E, Naess H, Hofstad H, Wollschläger D, Bramerson A, Bende M, Nordin S. Olfactory dysfunction in chronic stroke patients. BMC Neurology 2015; 15: 199.
Moises H, Wollschläger D, Binder, H. Functional genomics indicate that schizophrenia may be an adult vascular-ischemic disorder. Translational Psychiatry 2015; 5. doi:10.1038/tp.2015.103.
Lundervold AJ, Wollschläger D, Wehling, E. Age and sex related changes in episodic memory function in middle aged and older adults. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2014; 55: 225-232.
Wollschläger D. Where is SDM at home? Putting theoretical constraints on the way shared decision making is measured. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 2012; 106: 272-274.
Wollschläger D, Anderson BL. The role of layered scene representations in color appearance. Current Biology 2009; 19: 430-435.
Wollschläger D, Faul F. Dynamic texture spreading: Probing the mechanisms of surface interpolation. Spatial Vision 2006; 19: 193-218.
Wollschläger D, Rodriguez AM, Hoffman DD. Flank transparency: the effects of gaps, line spacing, and apparent motion. Perception 2002; 31: 1073-1092.
Wollschläger D, Rodriguez AM, Hoffman DD. Flank transparency: transparent filters seen in dynamic two-color displays. Perception 2001; 30: 1423-1426.